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Boost Your Instagram Post and Stories

Hey guys Ashley Irvin Robertson here. Welcome to my Curious Creator blog. In this blog section I will talk about how to boost your Instagram posts and stories.

Since Instagrams recent algorithm changes to prevent fake analytics a lot of accounts have been having problems with low engagement. Sometimes posts will do well and go viral and next post won’t. Hashtags do well on one post and the next it doesn’t perform at all.

So how can we get around this. Well what we can do is to boost your Instagram posts and stories by spicing things up. By that I mean ad some video. It can be a motion video, a small video or senery video eg. You are on vacation or at a beautiful place, you walk around showing how wonderful the plac looks. It can be 30secs or 1min doesn’t matter. Videos perform pretty well on Instgaram and has a higher chance of going viral than images.

I would say post a varied of images and videos on your feed.

There are 3 apps I use to make some awesome posts and stories.

I use Pixaloop to make some incredible cinematographs and motion photos. You check out my IG feed https://www.instagram.com/ashrvisuals . Not only can you make a motion photo on Pixaloop but you can change the sky, either a static sky or moving sky. Add sound and other effects like rain, snow, confetti etc.

I also recently started using Scribble for my stories. Scribble is great as the app allows you to make those cool videos where those colourful scribles come across you like glowing outlines. With Scribble you can use it with images and videos. Great way to light up your stories.

Another great app to use to up your storie game is StoyArt. StoryArt is a layout app for your IG Stories. With it you can make colleges (although Instagram now also has that option inside stories) but with makes StoryArt better is that they have a great amount of templates to use. This app will make your stories absolutely great and beautiful.

These are some apps I use and still continue to use as I find them great and helpful. Check them out play around and hope you like them too.

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